In and Out Nothing 
In and Out Nothing is an installation piece that weaves fabric, video, and sound to examine notions of access and the liminal space between trauma and healing. In the video, I stand at the center of the frame, wearing a reflective jacket illuminated by the sun. I move in and out of view, accompanied by overlaid, cropped videos of myself doing the same. These layered images obstruct the viewer’s full access to the scene, limiting visibility of the environment and evoking the in-betweenness that follows trauma.

The accompanying soundscape begins and ends with fragments of audio recorded during filming, while the rest is composed of manipulated sounds from objects, instruments, and vocals. I recorded and stretched my voice across the duration of the piece, mirroring the way time distorts between past and present in the aftermath of trauma.

Installation views, projected video on voile fabric.
University of Cincinnati, DAAP, 2021